Sunday, February 24, 2008

Thing Four B: Photosharing with Flickr

Picture 011
Originally uploaded by dlwtjr

Booker II was looking very plain before we put the hand prints on her. I took this right after she got her name put on, so at least she wasn't completely naked.

I already had a Yahoo account, so I logged in and at that point it was easy to create a Flickr account and upload to it, then add it to my blog. Now I have pics of both my girls!

I am having a hard time figuring out what to use for each photo's url. If you know how to get at that info, I'd like a clue. I am thinking there has to be a url for the picture, not just the whole flickr page, right? I shouldn't work on these things at the end of the day when I am tired, clearly.

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